Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finally Did Some More Pages...

I really like the bonus' you get this month at Scrap Outside the Box. So these are the first 3 pages that I've put together for those challenges. I've got 9 more to go, good thing the month just started!

This first page, which is actually the last one that I've done, is for the "tricks of the trade" challenge. This month we were supose to mask in a word/title to the photo. I think I did a pretty good job, unfortunalty I picked such a large word that I had to make it so small. Next time I'll chose something a little smaller so that the letters can be larger. As an added bonus, the kit I used is for the Treasure Hunt at one of my Cafemom groups: Digital Scrapbooking LO Contests. What's even better then that, is that the kit was made by the lovely designer who I happen to be a CT for. Congrat's to me; 3 birds, one stone! This kit is called Fancy Fall. I just love the alpha that she made to go with it. I'll have to make another page to show it off though...

This next page is for the "Do it like me" challenge. This one is basically a scraplift and I used another one of Ginger's kits. This is her Beach Glass kit, you can find it on her blog Here.

Here's the page we lifted:

This third page was also made with the Beach Glass kit by GingerScraps. It was done for the "ad to your scrapbook challenge". They provide an ad for you to get inspiration to make your page.

and here's the ad that we worked with:

Well, I think that's about it for me to share with you today! I probably won't have anything new for you till the weekend. See you then!