Sunday, July 2, 2023

Getting Back to Writing and Creating

Do you think that I would be good at writing a book?

I'm not sure that I'm creative enough to build a world and twine characters together to form an interesting enough story.. plus, considering the astronomical amount of new authors releasing books on a regular basis, would it ever be read? Do people still submit books to publishers? I've been seeing a lot of Amazon self published works more and more. Is that the way to go about it these days? Where would I even start?


It's been almost 15 years since I've really sat down and tried to be creative on a regular basis. I think it's time to get back to the basics; re-learn photography, photoshop, writing habits, drawing, and all other things creative.

Here's to PHASE ONE -- creating the habits

I read somewhere that it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit, so here I am, day one of twenty-one. My plan is to carve out a minimum of 30 minutes a day for week 1, 45 minutes for week 2, and an hour a day for week 3. I want to focus on only doing something creative during that time and get into the habit of carving out that chunk of time regularly.

The big question, however, is... should I focus on one singular task or keep it open to whatever I'm feeling that day? 

I have a rather large list of projects, some started already that need completed, as well as some I have supplies just waiting for me to make the time for. I do not lack in projects, so I guess we'll see how this goes.

- J

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