Thursday, September 25, 2008

Photo Manip's and More GS Info!

Madison went to the beach with my dad and his girlfriend Angie and they got some really great shots of baby girl out in the sand. Here is one that I manipulated a little, I really like how it turned out.

I'll probably end up doing other things to it later. Maybe a black and white or sepia. Possibly a sketch or watercolor of this photo. I also made an LO using this photo along with another Ginger Scraps kit that I wanted to introduce to you today. This one is called Cool Off:

This kit is very cute and very large. Also perfect for all those summer LO's that you'll be working on. Who had time to make them during summer?! Ha! And, here's the page that I made using my photo above:

Well, I think that's it for today! Don't forget to stop by Ginger's tomorrow to grab the link to her new Shop!! See you there!